What is space made out of and how does it work

Space is made out of positron/electron dipoles which I call 'poselectrons'. All of space is filled with these poselectron particles and they form an aether sea. This forms the 'medium' through which electromagnetic waves (EM) travel through. The dipole particles are almost completely neutrally charged, but they still retain a dipole nature of having one end as positive and the other end as negative. The dipoles will tend to line up with each other head to tail and are attracted to one another.

Ordinary matter consisting of protons, neutrons and electrons exist within this poselectron aether sea. In order to move ordinary matter through the aether, it takes energy to pull apart the poselectron particles. The amount of energy it takes to push a particle through the aether is a measure of the particle's mass. As a particle pushes it's way through the aether, the poselectrons flow past the particle and then reconnect behind the particle. As they reconnect, the poselectron particles are attracted to one another and they push the particle forward like a pea squeezed between two strong round magnets. They return back to the particle, the same amount of energy it took to break apart the poselectron bonds in the first place and so it forces the particle thorough the next set of poselectron particles. The process is continually repeated and keeps the particle in motion through the aether after it has been given an initial push. This is what we observe as 'inertia' - a particle in motion, stays in motion.

The poselectron particles are typically randomly oriented, however, if a stream of electrons is passed through the aether, it will polarize the aether causing the poselectrons to all line up in the same direction. In regions of space where the poselectrons are lined up, we will observe a 'magnetic' field. A conducting wire will align the dipoles in the direction of the electron flow. When a charge approaches this wire at a 90 degree perpendicular direction, this charge will have to pass between the poselectron particles where on one side, it will see a positive charge and on the other it will see a negative charge. For an electron, it will be deflected away from the negative charge and be attracted to the positive charge as it passes by the poselectron dipole pairs. This is how charges are deflected by a magnetic field. The force on the charge is proportional to the charge speed as more force is exerted by passing through more dipole pairs per unit of time as speed increases.

The forces on charged particles is mediated by the aether. Positrons and electrons ring like bells in the aether and possess a resonant frequency. They send waves out through the aether by their expansion and contraction. The only difference between the positron and the electron is that they are 180 degrees out of phase with each other. When waves from a positron and electron meet, they cancel and produce a region of low pressure between them. This causes an attractive force between dissimilar charges. When waves from 2 electrons (or 2 positrons) come together, they add and create a region of high pressure which results in a repelling force. In this way, opposites attract and similar charges repel. This is the physical force mechanism behind the electrostatic force.

All positrons and electrons within the universe must be synchronized in order for the electrostatic force to be carried unlimited distances within the universe. This synchronization establishes a universal clock or God's clock in the universe and it establishes the smallest amount of time which is possible in the universe. The poselectron sea also establishes the smallest possible distance since any particle which wishes to move must push aside a poselectron to take its place. A particle cannot move a distance less than the size of a poselectron particle and cannot move faster than is allowed by the universal clock. This sets a finite limit on both length and time in space.

This is what space is made out of and how it works to generate mass, inertia, magnetic fields and electrostatic forces.