Announcing Michael and Steven Hu

Michael Andrew Hu

Born June 18th 2001 at 7:24PM

6 Lbs 6 Oz, 20 inches

Steven James Hu

Born June 18th 2001 at 7:25 PM

5 Lbs 2 Oz, 18 1/2 Inches

Michael and Steven were born to Franklin and Kyong Hu at the Evergreen Family Maternity Center in Kirkland, WA. They were 36 weeks, 6 days gestational age when they decided to see what the outside world looked like.

Here's the proud Dad with Michael just after he was born

This is Steven with Grandma

This is Steven (left) and Michael (right) being checked out in the nursery. They're perfect and soooo cute!

The babies can stay in our hospital room. Here is Grandma feeding Steven

Michael is contemplating his role as future world leader.

Steven is thinking - don't they make these ID bracelets too big!

Steven (left) and Michael (right) hanging out with the grandparents

Here is the first family portrait (Franklin, Steven, Kyong, Michael)

Kids !!! - In Stereo!!

Like two peas in a pod

See next 100 days

The End